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Freshly Dyed Wool Greeting Cards


Pack of 5
5x 7″ Double sided & folded
Photograph by Karen Butts
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Freshly Dyed Wool Greeting Cards

Photograph by Karen Butts May 10, 2018 Los Ojos New Mexico
Tierra Wools, Chama New Mexico

 This freshly dyed wool drying on racks at Tierra Wools was so vividly rich and colorful that they looked edible. Bothe acid and natural dyes are used to achieve the   beautiful colors sourced from cota, cochineal and yerba de la negrita. The wool comes from sheep of the Rambouillet and Navajo-Churro breeds. These hardy sheep are raised by local ranchers in the land surrounding Los Ojos, NM (elevation 7,350’). Sheared annually, the fleeces are cleaned, and the wool is spun into yarn before the dying process begins. Tierra Wools offers classes in hand spinning, hand dying, weaving and tapestry – contact them for more information 575.756.1650.


*Order a pack of 10 by contacting us directly

Our original photograph greeting cards are designed to captivate and delight! These folded cards are a perfect canvas for sharing your heartfelt messages. With a double-sided design and crafted with care, our cards are available in two convenient pack sizes: 5 cards and 10 cards* (cards may be ordered in bulk for retail also, contact us for more info).

Each card comes with a white sealable envelope, ensuring that your heartfelt sentiments remain protected and ready to be sent. Sized at 5×7 inches, our cards provide the perfect balance of elegance and practicality.

Our cards are printed on premium 120lb Silk Cover paper, which strikes the perfect balance between gloss and matte. The slight sheen of this card stock enhances clarity, detail, and vivid colors, making the photograph truly stand out. The digital printing technique, using inkjet printers, ensures high-quality reproduction of the image.

You’ll notice that our cards are intentionally folded offset, allowing for a slight overhang that makes them easy to open. The card fold remains white, adding a touch of elegance to your design. For writing your heartfelt messages, we recommend using a regular ballpoint pen.

To ensure your cards and envelopes arrive in pristine condition, we carefully package them in either a polybag or box, depending on the quantity ordered. Shipping is available for free and follows standard delivery times.

Experience the joy of sharing your cherished moments with our original photograph greeting cards. Each card is a work of art, ready to bring smiles and warm wishes to your loved ones. Order yours today and let your creativity shine!

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