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Amir Vintage Rug


Size: 11.5 x 4.9
Material: Wool

The captivating Amir Vintage Rug, features a palette of turquoise, brown, cream, gold-yellow, and dark brown. Carefully curated for their exquisite designs and rich heritage, these vintage rugs infuse your living space with timeless elegance and soulful charm.

Embrace the unique allure of each rug, as imperfections, blemishes, and signs of wear speak to their individual history and character. Distressed by the passage of time, each piece boasts a one-of-a-kind appeal that adds depth and personality to your home decor.

Elevate your space with the enduring beauty of Amir Vintage Rugs, where tradition meets contemporary style for a truly remarkable ambiance that will enchant for years to come.

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